Our Vision and Values
Together we will:
Be ambitious - All members of our community challenge themselves to achieve their personal best by setting goals, showing determination and taking pride in their successes.
It starts with you.
Be responsible - All members of our community commit to engage in learning. We achieve this by embracing all opportunities to attend, learn and attain. We take care of our learning environment.
It starts with you.
Be safe - All members of our community feel respected, nurtured and included. We achieve this by being honest, caring and showing kindness towards others. We look out for our own safety and that of others.
It starts with you.
Extended Review - Outcome Report - February 2020
Braeview.ER Feb 20 Outcome Report- FINAL issued 20.10.20.pdf
PDF document,
288 KB (295215 bytes)
School Improvement Plan 2020-21 Aug-Dec 28 September 2020
School Improvement Plan 2020-21 Aug-Dec 28 September 2020.pdf
PDF document,
719 KB (736746 bytes)
Kindness Policy - November 2020
Final - Kindness Policy - November 2020.pdf
PDF document,
289 KB (295968 bytes)
Car on School Brae - 24 November 2020
Cars on School Brae 24 November 2020.pdf
PDF document,
196 KB (200909 bytes)
Learning & Teaching Strategy Recovery Plan August 2020
Learning & Teaching Strategy Recovery Plan August 2020 - Read More…
Braeview Academy - School Improvement Report 2018-19
School Improvement Report Braeview 2018-19 - 1.pdf
PDF document,
372 KB (381103 bytes)
Parental Employment Support - Reducing child poverty in Dundee
Parental Employment Support - Reducing child poverty in Dundee - Read More…
Tayside contracts School Meals Nutrition and Allergen Gateway - Adapted menu form
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